
We publish entrepreneur success stories in books. A typical book will have 5-10 case studies on a theme featuring each company and its founders.

To be selected as one of the five, a business founder/owner has to meet certain criterion, to be fair to the other four.  Once accepted they will all be  interviewed, authored, proofed, edited, cover designed, ISBN and Amazon listing, formated and edited for Kindle and Audible. We gift it to libraries, institutions and associations and promote, present at live events and sell it directly, plus have it reviewed.  Short and medium term it will significantly promote your business. Long term It will be part off your legacy, contributioin and mentoring those just starting out their entrepreneurship journey,

Each selected company commits to buy 2,000 books at half retail price over two years. So each company published will have 10,000+ books continually marketing their brand and company long term.

Anyone interested in the success secrets of building a business will be an avid buyer and reader. They will pass it on.

                 We Publish 
    Entrepreneur Success Stories

The advantages to the selected company to be case studied, the Success Mover are substantial.
This a formidable and unique marketing opportunity for your business.
Five companies are each buying two thousand books. (Unless they all mutually agree to a different figure). That means that more than ten thousand books will be out there, either sold, given away, awarded in prizes etc. Plus all the reviews and listings.  In short you now have a team of partners all with a vested interest in helping you and themselves. So you have a leverage on your efforts.
Success Movers will also list the book on Amazon, other sites and distribute the book themselves.

Why be a Success Mover and be published through us.

Our books typically have 12 chapters on an entrepreneurship theme.  The chapters usually are an introduction followed by 5 case studies and a summary chapter. Then a chapter will include adverts, offers, links, other resources for readers.  

All serious entrepreneurs want to be rich and successful. However books on the giants such as Facebook, Microsoft etc are useful but a long way off. More practical and useful help is from entrepreneurs that readers can identify with. Say 2 to 5 years ahead of them who have achieved the success they dream of and aspire to.  A much bigger market.

Themes we are currently focused on are entrepreneurs in Dubai.
Themes for future plans are various by country, sector, business type (ie franchising), entepreneur profile. If you do not fit into our curent projects , and meet our criterion please contact us.  


Our Books

Real stories of how success was achieved.
The practical and ‘street wise’ tips and techniques to get funded fast on attractive terms.
Alternative funding sources.
How to get first sales before the product is ready.
A range of advice from different entrepreneurs
An understanding of the obstacles and how to overcome them.
Member of the Club Entrepreneur Network on Linkedin.
Membership of Club Entrepreneur.
Invitation to special events.

Bite size inspiration because each chapter is a stand alone mini-book in itself.

What is in our books for Readers.
Sell or donate them:
Here are 20 ideas to start.
1. Your website.
2. Your social media platforms.
3. Staff Linkedin profiles.
4. Email signatures on all staff emails.
5. A link on your business cards.
6. At live presentations or talks someone in your company gives.
7. On exhibition stands
8. Conferences.
9. Meetings.
10.Give a copy to all new staff.
11. Give a copy to interview attendees.
12. Have a competition and give them away as prizes.
13. Place them in all your local libraries.
14.Place them in institution and association libraries that are relevant to your business.
15. Interviews with the media, triggered by being in the book.
16. Add it to press releases.
17. Promote in Linkedin Groups.
18. Club Entrepreneur access to members.
19. Get your sales team to post them to prospects.
20. Add it to you newsletter.
You will find distributing 2,000 books over two years is easy. In fact, it is likely that you want to buy more. And remember that all the other contributors are doing the same. Success Movers will also be taking various initiatives to promote the book and your company.


Question 1 How much do the books cost?
You pay £12,000 spread over 6 months, to be published and promoted (spread over key development points. You also commit to buy 2,000 books over two years at half retail price, which is typically £14.99 therefore £7.49 per book.  You pay £5,000  for first batch. Then  £5,000 every three months until commitment completed.
Question 2 What do I pay for production?
£12,000 spread oveer 6 months. This includes all the research to contributors, marketing to find suitable company selected comanies for case study, interviewing, proofing, editing, design, production costs, ISBN and Amazon listing.  And all ongoing promotions Success Movers carries out itself.
Question 3 Great Idea, Can you do a whole book just on my company?

Well yes we can but you must consider.
You will need to commit to 10,000 books purchases and have a distribution plan. There are no other contributors also marketing your company on an ongoing basis. Readers are less likely to buy or read a book just on one company unless it is one of the worlds biggest. A deal with a few contributors in a niche would make more sense. 

Question 4 Can I receive the books and pay in stages?

Yes, we spread it over 2 years.  Buy mutual consent you can vary the book purchase commitment. 
Talk to me if you have an interesting story to tell.

Alex McMillan
44 (0)7525-916574

Email me about your business
Alex McMillan
Let us meet on MS Teams/Zoom. 
Alex McMillan
Current Project: Dubai Entrepreneurs
Seeking Contributors to Publish.
We are especially seeking contributors specifically in:
AI, Tech, Software, Space, Digital Marketing and Renewable Energy.
If you have a business outside of these sectors please email to see if that is covered.
Proyecto Actual: España Emprendedores Buscando colaboradores para publicar.
Estamos buscando especialmente colaboradores específicamente en: Viajes y Turismo, Restauración, Marketing Digital y Energías Renovables. Si tiene un negocio fuera de estos sectores en España, envíe un correo electrónico para ver si está cubierto.

Hi, Alex here, you can email or call me below. To apply to be published please use our form on the Apply to be published page.  +44 (0)7525916574